Before the arrival of vacation trips, we all worry about verifying that our car is in perfect condition. It is something that we must do all year round, but it seems that the importance of a vacation trip justifies going through and verifying these variables that make us feel so safe.
The easiest to do by ourselves is to keep the tire pressures in order, check the status of all the lights, and clean the bodywork and glass, both the windshield and the rest.
The Method To Verify Your Pressures And That They Are Always Correct
Designing a method like this is the simplest thing in the world, but you have to know two or three things that may not be available to everyone so as not to have any false measurements. The first tip we give you is off the list: get a quality digital pressure gauge to take the current pressure of your wheels.
Part Of A Controlled Situation
Take the car to a specialized kcharoenyangyont (ก เจริญการยาง, which is the term in Thai) workshop to check the pressures and correct what is necessary.
As soon as you leave the workshop with the pressures in order, stop for a moment and, with your digital pressure gauge, measure all four wheels and write down the values . These will be the reference values, and they will help you to compare with the measurements of the next point.
Go to the nearest gas station. If it is a bit far away, let the tires cool down and measure the pressures again, using the pressure gauge at that service station. Record the results below those of item 2.
If there are no differences, you are in luck, and you only have to always return to that service station to control your pressures. Sporadic measurements with your pressure gauge will tell you if the one at the gas station is out of calibration.