August ends, but not the heat. At least in much of the country, which means that at certain times of the day our car can become a real pressure cooker. Heatstroke – or heat shock – is one of the most severe cases of hyperthermia. We tell you how to avoid it.
This is the name given to the overheating suffered by the body due to high temperatures or excessive physical exercise. Heat strokes are more common than we imagine and, according to some doctors, an underdiagnosed pathology, due to the difficulty in finding out the exact causes of the cases. We want to share a few essential tips to prevent the heat from playing tricks on us.
Protect The Vehicle From The Sun
The first thing to keep in mind is that the difference between the ambient temperature and that of the interior of a car can reach up to 30 degrees. For example, with a room temperature of 29 degrees, the indoor temperature increases by almost 20 degrees during the first 45 minutes of exposure.
With an ambient temperature of 39 degrees, there are areas inside the vehicle, such as the dashboard, where the temperature can reach 70 degrees. For this reason, it is essential to protect the car from direct sun, either by leaving it under a shade (natural or artificial) or by placing a Car umbrella (ที่บังแดดรถ, which is the term in Thai) on the windshield.
It is also recommended, when buying a vehicle, take into account that black colour attracts much more heat than light colours. Oh, and no, the trick of leaving the windows half down when parking doesn’t help you beat the heat.
Use The Air Conditioning Correctly
Although it may seem trivial, learning to use the air conditioner correctly can help protect us and the health of our vehicle. When we get into the car, even if we feel the need to put the air at maximum power, it is advisable to air the car, roll down the windows and use the fan for a few minutes first.
This is necessary to draw the hot air out of the vehicle’s cooling ducts. By doing this, we will achieve a better operation of the air conditioner while extending its useful life. And remember, when turning on the air, that the ideal temperature inside the vehicle should not drop below 20 degrees.
Preventing heatstroke inside the car depends above all on the precautionary measures we take before parking it. The sun visor is our best friend since it protects one of the areas of the vehicle that concentrates the most heat: the dashboard. Before resuming driving, it is essential to ventilate the car for a few minutes, and then turn on the air conditioning to a reasonable temperature. Hydration is critical, especially if we travel with children, the elderly and even pets since they can also suffer from heatstroke. May the summer not go by without protecting ourselves and those who matter most to us!