You just created your online store and now what? Don’t wait for people to come to your store, meet your products and buy. Get ahead of them by promoting it in different ways. How? We give you a list of the most practical tips to make your online store known!
Social Networks
The more networks you have the better! Social networks are to help us achieve our goals. Just think how many people you know who use them (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.) and so you can get an idea of how many people you can reach through them! Get a social account of each one and move them! also creates your store on Facebook, you just have to get people to like “like” and visit you: invite friends, send requests, share comments, etc. People will be able to comment on your products from your online store by publishing at the same time on their Facebook profile, which will allow many other people to see it.
Google Keywords.
Imagine that it is a robot, which can identify the most common behaviours on the Internet and give them value. We, with our online stores, need to provoke it in some way and one way to do it is to use whenever we can those words that most identify with our business. For example, if my store were, I would like to use “buy cheap blankets”, “animal blankets” and “quality blankets”. Thus, I would repeat or use them whenever possible (without saturating) in newsrooms, categories, descriptions, comments, etc. Google will know that you want to give value to those words and will help you gradually increase positions in Google. Check the competition of the chosen words for Adwords advertising (รับทำโฆษณา Adwords which is the term in Thai) to make it easier from the Google Keyword tool.
Create Your Blog
Have you ever thought about creating your blog? Most sectors use it to show their creations, news or to interact with their visitors. It is a perfect complement to the online store and it never hurts to rely on a free tool that can serve as a showcase to let you know. You can create your blog in blogger for free and browse among other blogs in the sector, getting visits. Some blogs can have thousands of visits a day. Surely, they have been in operation for a long time but it can also be due to the insistence of the owners: continuously generate publications with character design (ออกแบบตัวละคร which is the term in Thai) and new entries, always keep the buyer informed about the news, interact with them, etc. Once created, link it to your online store with a direct link so that people can make a purchase!